Membership Enrollment / Renewal Form


* Membership Subscription:

Membership No. (For renewal only) :
Upload Student Card Copy :

Personal Details:

(Same as the registration name under Physiotherapists Board)
(Same as the registration name under Physiotherapists Board)
(from Physiotherapists Board or Student number for Student affiliate members)
(for contact)
(for account login and contact)



Year of Award



Year of Award

(Select all that are applicable)
(payment receipt/payment screen capture for mobile/internet banking)


  1. The membership runs from 1st January to 31st December of the same year.
  2. Applicants are requested to deposit appropriate fee to HKPU account at HSBC 600-392-096-001.
  3. Please upload the transaction receipt (with your name and phone number on the receipt OR capture of the payment screen for internet banking) to the ‘Upload transaction record' at the bottom of the online application form for completion.
  4. After the membership fee payment is confirmed, it will take at least 4 weeks to proceed with HKPU membership status approval and online account setup.
  5. Membership fee submitted will not be refunded unless the application is not approved.
  6. Members are required to update the Union immediately whenever change of the information has been made.
  7. The Union complies strictly with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance for protecting members’ personal data. All the collected data are only used for the purposes directly related to the Union activities such as disseminating news, training and program information / invitation, as well as for collecting feedback, fundraising appeal, and products / services promotion, etc.
  8. For Enquiry: (Email) or +852 95653294 (Whatsapp)