Before the set-up of Hong Kong Physiotherapists’Union (HKPU) in 1991
- The Hong Kong Chinese Civil Servant’s Association (HKCCSA) with adivision named as “Physiotherapist branch-Schedule I” was the only organization attending the employee benefits namely the salary scale, terms of employment and welfare for physiotherapists working in Government settings.
- Physiotherapists working in Sub-vented Hospitals, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), are grouped as “Physiotherapist branch-Schedule II” getting no membership and support from HKCCSA.
- In 1991, in view of this undesirable situation, a group of physiotherapists from both Schedule I and II settings initiated to set up the Hong Kong Physiotherapists’ Union (HKPU) as a specific professional body to support the professional peers who were not eligible to join the HKCCSA.
Structure & Composition
- Hong Kong Physiotherapists’ Union (HKPU) is a legal organization registered under the Registry of Trade Unions.
- HKPU is governed by Union Laws and HKPU Rules.
The Executive Committee
- Composed of at least 4 persons including the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer and the Secretary.
- Additional Executive Committee members can be added according to the operational needs and should be endorsed by the Executive Committee members.

Registered physiotherapists in Hong Kong from all settings
- Public Hospitals of Hospital Authority
- Government Organizations, s.a.D.H., S.W.D., L.D., E.B., H.B.
- Non-Government Organizations
- Private Hospitals
- Private Clinics
- Academic Institutes

Easy Access to Quality Physiotherapy for Optimisation of Health and Well-being.
Promote the Unity of Physiotherapists for Professional Excellence
To secure the complete organization in the Union of all employees
To promote and to protect the professional status
To safeguard the professional interests and rights of members
To promote welfare to members
Service Objectives of the Union:
- To foster co-operation of physiotherapists working in different organizations.
- To promote and to protect the professional status, and to safeguard the professional interests and rights of the Union members.
- To regulate relations and to settle dispute between members and employers, between members and other employees by amicable and conciliatory means.
- To be concerned with and to participate in the community affairs affecting the interests of the public and the members of the Union.
- To promote legislation in the interests of professional advancement for the well-being of public health.
- To maintain and improve the conditions of physiotherapy employment including the reasonable rates of wages, hours of work and other conditions of employment, and generally to protect the interests of member.
- To negotiate wages, work rules, complaint procedures, rules governing hiring and firing, promotion of workers, workplace safety and policies.
- To promote generally the material, cultural, social, educational and recreational welfare of the members.
- To upkeep the standards of physiotherapy practice in various settings.
- To organize educational activities or trainings which may be thought to be desirable for the promotion of standards, benefits and rights of the physiotherapy profession.

Board & Advisors
HKPU Executive Committee Members List 2025-2026

Mr Kenneth AU-YEUNG 歐陽健先生

(External Affair)
Dr Man CHUNG 鍾惠文博士

(Internal Affair)
Mr George WONG 黃國昌先生

General Secretary
Mr Andy YU 余智豪先生

Financial Secretary
Mr Hagus CHEUNG 張偉文先生

Membership Secretary
Ms Yvonne LAM 林寶女士

Professional Development Officer
Dr Chad CHAN 陳穎雅博士

Professional Development Officer
Dr Tiffany CHOI 蔡靜雯博士

Professional Development Officer
Ms Sheila YIP 葉舒娜女士

Information Technology Director
Dr Derek YAU 丘經緯博士

Committee member
Ms Mandy DAI 戴愛嫦女士

Committee member
Ms Lavinia WONG 黃潔儀女士

Committee Member
Mr Quentin YAU 邱啟政先生
Honorary Advisors

Honorary Accountant
Mr Brian TSO
Mr Tso is currently practising member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“HKICPA”), fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (“FCCA”), member of The Society Of Chinese Accountants and Auditors (“MSCA”), fellow member of the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (“FTIHK”), member of Hong Kong Institute of Directors (“MHKIoD”), associate member of Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (“AICS”) and Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (“ACS”).

Honorary Legal Advisor
Mr Patrick HUI
Solicitor, Notary Public, China-Appointed Attesting Officer, GBA Lawyer, Mediator, Arbitrator, Adjudicator and Civil Celebrant of Marriage

Honorary Legal Advisor
Mr Raymond AU YEUNG
Solicitor and Civil Celebrant
Mr Au Yeung is a graduate of the University of Hong Kong with Degree of Bachelor of Laws (LLB) in 1990. He has started his practise as a solicitor in 1992 and has gained extensive experience in the field. Mr. Au Yeung mainly engaged in general civil litigation, employee compensation case, personal injuries claim, conveyancing and all kinds of property transaction, probate and wills, commercial agreements and matrimonial causes. With his qualification as a popular civil celebtant since 2008, he has performed around 800 weddings up to the present moment.
Professional Advisors
Mr Terrence CHAU
- CEO/Program Director, Principal Lecturer, Asian Academy for Sports & Fitness Professionals
Prof. Herman LAU
- Director of Allied Health Services, CUHK Medical Centre
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Adjunct Associate Professor, JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Honorary Professor, Hong Kong Metropolitan University
- Professor of Practice, School of Health Sciences, Saint Francis University
- Professor of Practice (Physiotherapy), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof Arran LEUNG
- Professor of Practice, S.K. Yee School of Health Sciences, Saint Francis University
Prof. Marco PANG
- Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Professor in Rehabilitation Sciences
- Chair Professor of Neurorehabilitation
- Head, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof Grace SZETO
- Acting Dean and Professor (Physiotherapy), School of Medical and Health Sciences, Tung Wah College
Prof William TSANG
- Associate Dean (Quality Assurance and Enhancement), Department Head cum Professor, School of Nursing and Health Sciences, Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Mrs Eleanor WONG
- Director, Board of Directors, Heep Hong Society
- Past President, Hong Kong Physiotherapists' Union
Past Chairman/Chairlady (1991 to 2012) and President (2013 to 2023)
Ms Rainbow LAW
Mr Peter LO
Mr Ronald LEE
Ms Rosa MA
Mr Siu On LAU
Mrs Eleanor CHAN